Come Find Refreshment
in God's Grace


9:45 am
Sunday School
For all ages
11:00 am
Morning worship
5:00 pm
Evening worship
First Sunday each month

Carriage Lane Presbyterian, PCA is called by God to glorify Him. In response to His grace the church seeks to make disciples and equip them through: God-centered worship, gospel-centered preaching and teaching from the Word of God, helping believers to find their wholeness in Christ, and being a witness in word and deed to our community and the world.


God centered worship through the reading of His word, singing of psalms, hymns, and songs which glorify Him while edifying and encouraging His people, and the sharing of His Gospel by teaching and preaching.


Pursuing the application of the word of God by: Biblical preaching and instruction based on sound interpretation. Promoting biblical theology which answers the questions and issues of the culture in which we live. Teaching others how to study, interpret and apply biblical truth.


Pursuing wholeness found in relationship with Christ and His church by: Showing how vital human needs are met through knowing Christ. Providing true fellowship founded on significant and meaningful relationships. Training believers in how to make disciples of Christ. Starting various types of Bible-centered small groups in Peachtree City and surrounding areas. Providing pastoral care and shepherding directed at the needs of the whole person. Equipping members and giving them the freedom to minister through the use of their spiritual gifts


Pursuing the witness of His love by: Influencing all social, political and professional segments of society with Christians who embrace a biblical world and life view. Equipping our members to effectively share their faith with neighbors, friends and other associates. Facilitating ministries to people groups based on needs, interests, occupations, age, life experiences and other factors. Sending people and financial resources to start churches and/or Christ-centered ministries at home and abroad