Adult Sunday School Classes

Current Offerings - Q1 2023 

January 8, 15, 22, 29
February 5, 12, 19
Joint SS:  Missions Conference (Feb 26, Mar 5)
March 12, 19, 26

A Survey of the Old Testament
Exploring the Bible Used by Our Lord

What Am I Called to Do and to Be?

What Did Jesus Do?
Understanding the Work of Christ

Previous Class Resources

The links below take you to class-specific sites.  Depending on the class, you will find recordings of the classes, presentation decks, recommended books, and relevant links to related resources.

The Epistle of James
Practical Wisdom for Faithful Christians

The 10 Commandments
Through the Lens of the Westminster Shorter Catechism

Assurance of Faith
Attaining Fullness & Fruitfulness of the Faith

  • Taught by: Norm Dunkin & Craig Jeffery
  • Video teaching provided by Joel Beeke (Ligonier Ministries).
  • Discussion support provided by Kim Cunningham & Sue Jeffery.
  • Location: Downstairs - Room #141 (JOY Classroom)
  • Site:

The New Testament Canon
Confidence for Christians

Creational Worldview
Biblical Christianity vs Unbelief