“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”

1 John 1:7

CLPC Men’s Ministry Vision: To see Christ Jesus formed in every man through a head, heart, hand ministry.

To see Christ Jesus formed in every man is ultimately the work of God’s Word and Spirit. The foundation of the men’s ministry is the Lord’s Day worship services that center upon God’s means of grace in His Holy Word read, preached, prayed, sung, and experienced in the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The men’s weekly Bible study, accountability groups, quarterly men’s breakfasts, and annual men’s retreat supplement the Lord’s Day with further opportunities to grow, connect, and serve as disciples of Jesus Christ in this particular local church.

What is a true disciple? Simply put, a disciple is a follower of Jesus Christ. As men begin to see the glory of God in the resurrected Savior, they will begin to reach out to one another for life-on-life missional discipleship. Relationships centered around the LORD and informed by His Word are the most effective means of progressing toward spiritual maturity. This is the model Christ used with his disciples that continued into and marked the life of the early church that we must faithfully maintain today.

CLPC Men’s Ministry Mission: To build a men’s ministry focused upon the whole man (head, heart, hand) that is committed to meeting the needs of committed Christian men in our Church community who will be equipped to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others through word and deed.

How will the CLPC Men’s Ministry Vision and Mission become a reality? Not only does the Lord build His church, but He builds up individual men. As with any aspect of Christ’s Bride, the church, we look to the Lord and His gracious work in the lives of His people through the Word of God, prayer, and the Holy Spirit to regenerate, water, grow, and produce a spiritual harvest. The elders and deacons charged with leading this ministry trust that the Lord will bring about His will. In an effort to faithfully and prayerfully lead the men’s ministry there are structures, meetings, and events that asset the development and growth of body life. Part of the “how we do men’s ministry” is to recognize some of the important needs of men and our commitments as a ministry.

Need Statement: The men of Carriage Lane need a safe network of fellowships and study groups through which they can share life experiences in order to serve Jesus Christ and live an abundant life.

Values / Commitments:

  • Accountability & Confidentiality
  • Truth – Believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God.
  • Share – Be willing to share with other men your life experiences, feelings and difficulties in pursuing the role as a man of God.
  • Listen – Learn to be a good listener, who loves and is understanding, who will not condemn.
  • Consistency – Commit to a consistent participation in the men’s ministry, as this is a prerequisite to enable deeper and intimate discussions.
  • Practicality – Studies and discussions should stress the practical application of God’s Word.